Sunday, 4 July 2010

Okebourne Open Space at the heart of Brentry

It's not even a particularly nice day, but wandering past Okebourne Open Space, I came accross this group of residents having a community picnic.

It's a simply beautiful piece of space - with views right out over the estuary towards Wales, on a clearer day. And in the time I was there, children ( ahem, and a few adults) were skootering down the hill, climbing trees and generally running about expending energy in a way that they never would indoors, or even in their own garden.

But the madness is, the Council want to designate this piece of land as 'disposable' and surplus to requirement and build houses on it. This is all part of their Parks and Green Spaces strategy, which in theory sounds fine ( sell off useless land to enhance the good bits) but in practice is proving to be appalling.

There will be more about how to have your say over the Council's parks and green spaces strategy on my website and blog to come; But it's just such a dissappointment that a city like Bristol, which prides itself on being a 'Green City', cannot be more long-sited and see the long-term benefits of preserving space like this that builds ( if you want to use 'council-speak') ' community cohesion' and 'positive activities for young people'.

Mini the dog thinks the space should DEFINITELY be kept. "Hands off" she says to the Council. And she looks like she has a nasty bite...


  1. Minnie says " please keep Okebourne park for future generations of doggies & humans to enjoy!"

  2. Charlotte, are you aware of the threats to the Ardagh Sports Centre, HORFIELD COMMON and the field (not common land) behind the Horfield Parish Church Hall? Open meeting Wednesday, July 28 at 6:30pm at the Sports Centre.

  3. Yes, very much aware of the threat to Horfield Common. Watch this space... I will try to make the public meeting as well...
