Sunday, 17 January 2010

Wassailing to save the Daisy Field

One thing's certain. I don't have a future in Morris Dancing. The Rag Morris troupe had volunteered to help out with a peaceful ( though noisy) protest-Wassail to help save the Daisy Field. After leading a procession of around 150 people down from Shirehampton Green to the Daisy Field, the Morris Dancers toasted the trees, and gave volunteers the chance to join in one of the dances - which I couldn't resist. It was more tiring than it looks, and I developed a knack for bumping into other dancers.

The entire event was organised by local residents Caroline and Jim Penny, as part of our ongoing campaign to prevent the Council from including the Daisy Field in its list of land at risk of sale and development, in its Parks and Green Spaces consultation document. The Document was due to be published in January this year, but has now been postponed until after the elections in June.

The turn out was huge, and a tangible demonstration of how much the community values this green space. I've said it once, I'll say it again - Council - if you really are listening to the people as you say you are, the message is clear: Please - Hands off Shirehampton's Daisy Field.