Saturday, 10 January 2009

The Brailsford Brothers light up Christmas

......I confess, I hate taking down the Christmas decorations and have been known to be a bit of a misery about it.

So I was given a salutary lesson when I came across Lee and Paul Brailsford, (pictured) taking down their monumental and epic Christmas lights display in Oakbourne Road, Brentry, today. (For more - and better - photos, go to their website.)

They were cheerily dismantling their awesome Christmas display on a freezing cold day, and I was stunned when they told me how long it would take to get it all down ( quite some time) - and how long it took to put it all up ( they started in baking heat in October).

Their community spirit is inspiring. They pay for all the electric ( between £80-£100 per week) out of their own pockets, and out of their own expenses put on an opening display before Christmas, with mulled wine and snow machine, which attracts literally hundreds of people.

They told how it all started small, a few bits here and there for their mum, and then for the benefit of neighbours, and how it just grew and grew. Today, they are raising over £1,500 for charity. Here are two young men who grew up in the area, who, with a bit of imagination and a lot of dedication and generosity have contributed so much more than the £1,500 they raise for charity, simply bringing light and lights to their neighbourhood.

The brothers are looking for sponsorship for next year's display. If you can help, contact them on the number and email below: It'll be the best New Year's resolution you make.



Tel 07967534135

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